Context English State
bookmark.export.count You have %d bookmark. Only individual files can be uploaded, not directories. Credentials
upload.file.drophere enter file path or drag-and-drop a file on the window
dlg.upload.edit Submit
dlg.uploadport.msg Set the Titan server port to use for this URL. The port is saved in the site-specific configuration.
dlg.upload.text Enter text to upload
dlg.upload.file No file selected
dlg.upload.pickfile Select File…
heading.prefs.proxies Proxies
prefs.time.24h 24-hour time: Sepia Force ASCII character set: TLS security warnings:
archive.summary This archive contains %u item and its compressed size is %.1f MB.
dir.summary This directory contains %u item.
error.tls.msg Failed to communicate with the server.
error.glyphs.msg This page could not be displayed in full because some characters are missing. You can install additional fonts to fix this.
fontpack.upgrade Upgrade "%s" to version %d
term.url Enter URL