Context English Basque State
error.badresource Invalid Resource Baliabidea ez da baliozkoa
error.badresource.msg The requested resource does not exist. Baliabidea ez dago. Unsupported Content Type Eduki mota ez da bateragarria The received content cannot be viewed with this application. Jasotako edukia ezin da ikusi aplikazio honekin.
error.unsupported.protocol Unsupported Protocol Protokoloa ez da bateragarria
error.unsupported.protocol.msg The requested protocol is not supported by this application. Protokoloa ez da bateragarria aplikazio honekin.
error.badheader Invalid Header Goiburua ez da baliozkoa
error.badheader.msg The received header does not conform to the Gemini protocol specification. Perhaps the server is malfunctioning, or you tried to contact a non-Gemini server. Jasotako goiburua ez dator bat Gemini protokoloaren zehaztapenekin. Agian zerbitzaria gaizki dabil edo Gemini ez den zerbitzari batekin harremanetan jartzen saiatu zara.
error.incompleteheader Incomplete Header Goiburua ez da osorik kargatu
error.incompleteheader.msg The server's response did not contain a complete header. Perhaps the server is malfunctioning, or you tried to contact a non-Gemini server. Zerbitzariaren erantzunaren goiburua ez dago osorik. Agian zerbitzaria gaizki dabil edo Gemini ez den zerbitzari batekin harremanetan jartzen saiatu zara.
error.badredirect Invalid Redirect Birbideratze baliogabea
error.badredirect.msg The server responded with a redirect but did not provide a valid destination URL. Perhaps the server is malfunctioning. Zerbitzariak birbideratze batekin erantzun du baina ez du baliozko helburuko URL bat eman. Agian zerbitzaria gaizki dabil.
error.schemeredirect Scheme-Changing Redirect Eskema aldatu duen birbideraketa
error.schemeredirect.msg The server attempted to redirect us to a URL whose scheme is different than the originating URL's scheme. Here is the link so you can open it manually if appropriate. Zerbitzaria URL batera birbideratzen saiatu da; URL horren eskema ez da jatorrizko URLaren eskema bera. Hemen dago esteka, egokia bada eskuz irekitzeko.
error.manyredirects Too Many Redirects Birbideratze gehiegi
error.manyredirects.msg You may be stuck in a redirection loop. The next redirected URL is below if you want to continue manually. Litekeena da birbideratze-begizta batean harrapatuta egotea. Hona hemen berriro zuzendutako URL hau, eskuz jarraitu nahi baduzu.
error.tls Network/TLS Failure Sarearen / TLSaren hutsegitea
error.tls.msg Failed to communicate with the server. Zerbitzariarekin komunikatzeak huts egin du.
error.certexpired Expired Certificate Iraungitako ziurtagiria
error.certexpired.msg Connection to the server was cancelled because its TLS certificate has expired. Zerbitzarirako konexioa bertan behera utzi da TLS ziurtagiria iraungita dagoelako.