Context English Basque State
error.schemeredirect Scheme-Changing Redirect Eskema aldatu duen birbideraketa
error.schemeredirect.msg The server attempted to redirect us to a URL whose scheme is different than the originating URL's scheme. Here is the link so you can open it manually if appropriate. Zerbitzaria URL batera birbideratzen saiatu da; URL horren eskema ez da jatorrizko URLaren eskema bera. Hemen dago esteka, egokia bada eskuz irekitzeko.
error.manyredirects Too Many Redirects Birbideratze gehiegi
error.tls Network/TLS Failure Sarearen / TLSaren hutsegitea
error.tls.msg Failed to communicate with the server. Zerbitzariarekin komunikatzeak huts egin du.
error.certexpired Expired Certificate Iraungitako ziurtagiria
error.certexpired.msg Connection to the server was cancelled because its TLS certificate has expired. Zerbitzarirako konexioa bertan behera utzi da TLS ziurtagiria iraungita dagoelako.
error.proxyexpired Expired Proxy Certificate Iraungitako proxy ziurtagiria
error.proxyexpired.msg The connection was cancelled because the proxy server's TLS certificate has expired. Konexioa bertan behera utzi da proxyaren zerbitzariko TLS ziurtagiria iraungita dagoelako.
error.certverify Untrusted Server Fidagarritzat hartu gabeko zerbitzaria
error.certverify.msg Connection to the server was cancelled because its TLS certificate does not match the one we trust. Please check if the server has announced a certificate change. If not, it is possible that a malicious third party is masquerading as the server you tried to reach.

The certificate can be marked as trusted in Page Information.
Zerbitzarirako konexioa bertan behera utzi da TLS ziurtagiria ez datorrelako bat guk fidagarritzat dugunarekin. Egiaztatu zerbitzariak ziurtagiri-aldaketa iragarri duen. Hala ez bada, baliteke hirugarren maltzur bat zerbitzaria izango balitz jokatzen egotea.

Ziurtagiria Orriaren Informazioa-n marka daiteke fidagarritzat.
error.proxyverify Untrusted Proxy Fidagarritzat hartu gabeko proxya
error.proxyverify.msg Connection was cancelled because the proxy server's TLS certificate does not match the one we trust.

The proxy server's certificate can be marked as trusted in Page Information.
Konexioa bertan behera utzi da proxy zerbitzariko TLS ziurtagiria ez datorrelako bat fidagarritzat dugunarekin.

Proxy zerbitzariaren ziurtagiria Orriaren Informazioa-n marka daiteke fidagarritzat.
error.temporary Temporary Failure Behin-behineko akatsa
error.temporary.msg The request has failed, but may succeed if you try again in the future. Eskaerak huts egin du baina litekeena da arrakastatsua izatea etorkizunean berriro saiatuz gero.
error.unavail Server Unavailable Zerbitzaria ez dago eskuragarri
error.unavail.msg The server is unavailable due to overload or maintenance. Check back later. Zerbitzaria ez dago erabilgarri gainkargagatik edo mantentze-lanengatik. Saiatu berriro geroago.
error.cgi CGI Error CGI errorea
error.cgi.msg Failure during dynamic content generation on the server. This may be due to malfunctioning serverside software. Hutsegitea zerbitzarian edukia modu dinamikoan sortzean. Zerbitzariko softwarea gaizki dabilelako gerta daiteke hori.
error.proxy Proxy Error Proxy errorea