Context English Interlingua State
error.temporary.msg The request has failed, but may succeed if you try again in the future.
error.cgi.msg Failure during dynamic content generation on the server. This may be due to malfunctioning serverside software.
error.proxy.msg A proxy request failed because the server was unable to successfully complete a transaction with the remote host. Perhaps there are difficulties with network connectivity.
error.proxyrefusal.msg The request was for a resource at a domain not served by the server and the server does not accept proxy requests.
error.cert.needed.msg Access to the requested resource requires identification via a client certificate.
error.ansi.msg This page may not be displayed correctly. It uses ANSI escape sequences to style text, which is only partially supported. You could try using a terminal emulator to view it.
error.glyphs.msg This page could not be displayed in full because some characters are missing. You can install additional fonts to fix this.
error.showutf8 Autodetected UTF-8
error.showutf8.msg The media type of this page was not recognized but it is valid UTF-8 encoded text.
dlg.fontpack.delete.confirm Do you really want to permanently delete the fontpack "%s"? Lagrange fontpacks are ZIP archives that contain a set of font files and associated configuration parameters. Once installed, the fonts can be used for document content and the UI. The active fonts are selected in Preferences > Fonts. Lagrange attempts to load all individual TrueType files that are copied to the user fonts directory. This font is installed in the user fonts directory.
dlg.dismiss.ansi Permanently dismiss warning about terminal emulation on %s? New Snippet Snippets whose name begins with a bang (e.g., "!w") can be used in URL fields as a query shortcut.
menu.snip.edit Edit…
menu.snip.clipboard Copy to Clipboard
menu.snip.delete Delete
menu.snip.prefs Configure…