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keys.upload Upload with Titan
keys.upload.edit Edit Page with Titan
keys.feeds.showall Sidebar: Show all feed entries
keys.feeds.showunread Sidebar: Show unread feed entries
error.badstatus Unknown Status Code
error.badstatus.msg The server responded with a status code that is not in the Gemini protocol specification. Maybe the server is malfunctioning.
error.openfile Failed to Open File
error.openfile.msg The requested file does not exist or is inaccessible. Please check the file path.
error.badresource Invalid Resource
error.badresource.msg The requested resource does not exist. Unsupported Content Type The received content cannot be viewed with this application.
error.unsupported.protocol Unsupported Protocol
error.unsupported.protocol.msg The requested protocol is not supported by this application.
error.badheader Invalid Header
error.badheader.msg The received header does not conform to the Gemini protocol specification. Perhaps the server is malfunctioning, or you tried to contact a non-Gemini server.
error.incompleteheader Incomplete Header
error.incompleteheader.msg The server's response did not contain a complete header. Perhaps the server is malfunctioning, or you tried to contact a non-Gemini server.
error.badredirect Invalid Redirect
error.badredirect.msg The server responded with a redirect but did not provide a valid destination URL. Perhaps the server is malfunctioning.