Context English Toki Pona (tok) State
error.unavail.msg The server is unavailable due to overload or maintenance. Check back later. ken la ilo pana li pali e mute ike. ken la jan lawa li pona e ni. tenpo kama la sina ken kama sin.
error.cgi CGI Error ilo CGI li pakala
error.cgi.msg Failure during dynamic content generation on the server. This may be due to malfunctioning serverside software. ilo pana li pakala pali e lipu. ken la ilo seme lon ilo pana li pakala.
error.proxy Proxy Error lupa li pakala
error.proxy.msg A proxy request failed because the server was unable to successfully complete a transaction with the remote host. Perhaps there are difficulties with network connectivity. lupa li pakala toki e ilo pana. ken la kon li pakala.
error.slowdown Slow Down sina toki e mute ike
error.slowdown.msg The server is rate limiting requests. Please wait… ilo pana li wile ala toki e mute ike. sina o awen e lili…
error.permanent Permanent Failure pakala pi tenpo ale
error.permanent.msg Your request has failed and will fail in the future as well if repeated. toki li pakala. tenpo ale la ona li wile pakala kin.
error.notfound Not Found lipu li lon ala
error.notfound.msg The requested resource could not be found at this time. tenpo ni la lipu ni li lon ala.
error.gone Gone weka
error.gone.msg The requested resource is no longer available. tenpo pini la lipu ni li tawa weka.
error.proxyrefusal Proxy Request Refused lupa li weka e toki
error.proxyrefusal.msg The request was for a resource at a domain not served by the server and the server does not accept proxy requests. ilo pana li wile ala toki e lupa.
error.badrequest Bad Request toki li pakala
error.badrequest.msg The server did not understand your request. ilo pana li sona ala e toki ni.
error.cert.needed Certificate Required sina wile e sitelen len
error.cert.needed.msg Access to the requested resource requires identification via a client certificate. sina wile lukin e lipu ni la sina wile pana e sitelen jan pi ilo TLS.
error.cert.auth Certificate Not Authorized ilo pana li sona ala e sitelen len