Context English Czech State
heading.lookup.other OTHER JINÉ Upload with Titan… Nahrát na server pomocí Titanu… Edit Page with Titan… Upravit pomocí Titanu…
spartan.input Enter text to send:
dlg.spartan.upload Open Editor… Otevřít editor…
heading.upload Upload with Titan Nahrát pomocí titanu
heading.upload.edit Edit with Titan
heading.upload.misfin Send Misfin Message
heading.upload.spartan Upload with Spartan
heading.upload.error.file Invalid File
dlg.upload.edit.error Failed to download contents of the editable resource.
dlg.upload.edit.incompatible This type of resource cannot be edited in the application.
heading.upload.edit.error Editing Failed
heading.upload.misfin.noident No Misfin Identities
dlg.upload.misfin.noident You must first import a Misfin certificate to send messages.
heading.misfin.ok Message Sent Sending Myself a Copy
misfin.verify Verifying Recipient
misfin.success You message was sent successfully.
misfin.redirect The recipient requests sending the message to a different address.