Context English Italian State
misfin.redirect The recipient requests sending the message to a different address.
misfin.failure An error occurred while sending the message.
misfin.needcert You must identify yourself by providing a Misfin certificate.
misfin.badcert Your Misfin certificate is invalid.
misfin.changed Your Misfin certificate does not match the one expected by the recipient. Only individual files can be uploaded, not directories. Credentials Autorizzazione
upload.type Content
upload.file.drophere enter file path or drag-and-drop a file on the window (trascina un file sulla finestra)
dlg.upload.sendmsg Send Message
dlg.upload.edit Submit
dlg.upload.text Enter text to upload Carica Testo Semplice
dlg.upload.file No file selected Carica un File
dlg.upload.pickfile Select File… Seleziona un File Force ASCII character set: Caratteri semplici:
prefs.expandline Expand to long lines: TLS security warnings:
error.glyphs.msg This page could not be displayed in full because some characters are missing. You can install additional fonts to fix this. Non è stato possibile mostrare la pagina correttamente perchè alcuni caratteri sono mancanti. Puoi installare dei font addizionali per risolvere il problema.
term.url Enter URL
term.linkkeys Open link