Context English Polish State
prefs.imagestyle.preformat Preformatted Color Force ASCII character set: Prosty zestaw znaków:
prefs.font.ui UI font:
prefs.font.heading Headings:
prefs.font.body Body:
prefs.font.mono Preformatted:
prefs.font.monodoc Monospace font:
prefs.gopher.gemstyle Autodetect Gopher menu styling:
prefs.boldlink.visited Visited
prefs.gemtext.ansi Gemtext ANSI escapes:
prefs.gemtext.ansi.fg FG Color BG Color
prefs.gemtext.ansi.fontstyle Font Style
prefs.font.warnmissing Font glyph warnings:
prefs.font.smooth Font smoothing:
prefs.editor.highlight Syntax highlighting:
prefs.plaintext.wrap Wrap long plaintext lines: Zawijaj zwykły tekst: TLS security warnings:
prefs.redirect.allowscheme Scheme-changing redirects:
archive.summary This archive contains %u item and its compressed size is %.1f MB. To archiwum zawiera %zu element, a jego rozmiar po kompresji wynosi %.1f MB.