Context English Chinese (Simplified) State
heading.archive.userdata User Data Archive
media.untitled.image Image Audio
feeds.list.counts You are subscribed to %u feed that contains %%s.
您订阅了 %zu 个源,%%s。
feeds.list.entrycount a total of %u entry 共包含 %zu 项
close Close
menu.window.full Toggle Full Screen
ident.usedonurls Used on %u URL 在 %zu 个地址上使用
dlg.confirm.ident.delete Do you really want to delete the identity %s"%s"%s including its certificate and private key files? 确定要删除这个身份吗?
dlg.confirm.unsub Really unsubscribe from feed "%s"? 确定要退订
dlg.upload.file No file selected
heading.prefs.interface UI 界面
error.tls.msg Failed to communicate with the server. 与服务器通信失败。以下是错误信息:
gempub.cover.image Cover image Author
gempub.meta.version Version
gempub.meta.lang Language
fontpack.meta.viewfile View file
fontpack.meta.installed Installed
fontpack.meta.notinstalled Not installed