Context English Chinese (Simplified) State
error.schemeredirect Scheme-Changing Redirect 跨协议重定向
error.schemeredirect.msg The server attempted to redirect us to a URL whose scheme is different than the originating URL's scheme. Here is the link so you can open it manually if appropriate. 服务器尝试将您重定向到一个不同协议的地址。若您认为合适,以下是链接地址,供您手动打开。
error.manyredirects Too Many Redirects 重定向过多
error.manyredirects.msg You may be stuck in a redirection loop. The next redirected URL is below if you want to continue manually. 您可能陷入了一个重定向循环。若您希望自行前往,如下是下一个重定向目标地址。
error.tls Network/TLS Failure 网络或 TLS 错误
error.temporary Temporary Failure 暂时性错误
error.temporary.msg The request has failed, but may succeed if you try again in the future. 请求失败,但未来重试时可能会成功。
error.unavail Server Unavailable 服务器不可用
error.unavail.msg The server is unavailable due to overload or maintenance. Check back later. 服务器因超负荷或维护而不可用。请稍后再试。
error.cgi CGI Error CGI 错误
error.cgi.msg Failure during dynamic content generation on the server. This may be due to malfunctioning serverside software. 服务器生成动态内容时出错。也许是服务器端软件出现异常。
error.proxy Proxy Error 代理错误
error.proxy.msg A proxy request failed because the server was unable to successfully complete a transaction with the remote host. Perhaps there are difficulties with network connectivity. 因服务器与远端主机通信未能成功完成,代理请求失败。也许网络连接有一些问题。
error.slowdown Slow Down 慢一点
error.slowdown.msg The server is rate limiting requests. Please wait… 服务器限制了请求速率。请等待…
error.permanent Permanent Failure 永久性错误
error.permanent.msg Your request has failed and will fail in the future as well if repeated. 您的请求失败。即使您继续重复请求亦不会改变结果。
error.notfound Not Found 未找到
error.notfound.msg The requested resource could not be found at this time. 所请求的资源目前无法找到。
error.gone Gone 已移除