Context English Chinese (Simplified) State
error.gone.msg The requested resource is no longer available. 所请求的资源已经不再可用。
error.proxyrefusal Proxy Request Refused 代理请求被拒绝
error.proxyrefusal.msg The request was for a resource at a domain not served by the server and the server does not accept proxy requests. 请求的资源不在该服务器服务的域名上,且该服务器不接受代理请求。
error.badrequest Bad Request 无效请求
error.badrequest.msg The server did not understand your request. 服务器无法理解您的请求。
error.cert.needed Certificate Required 需要证书
error.cert.needed.msg Access to the requested resource requires identification via a client certificate. 请求的资源需要通过客户端证书来辨别身份。
error.cert.auth Certificate Not Authorized 证书不被认可
error.cert.auth.msg The provided client certificate is valid but is not authorized for accessing the requested resource. 提供的证书有效,但无权访问请求的资源。
error.cert.invalid Invalid Certificate 证书无效
error.cert.invalid.msg The provided client certificate is expired or invalid. 提供的证书过期或无效。