Context English Chinese (Traditional) State User data archives contain exported browsing history, identities, bookmarks, text snippets, site-specific settings, and fingerprints of trusted server certificates. They can be stored as backups and used for transferring data between devices. 使用者資料包含匯出的瀏覽記錄、身份、書籤、對特定站臺的設定以及受信任的伺服器憑證指紋。可以另存備份,也可以在裝置間移轉資料。
menu.paste.snippet Paste Snippet
menu.snippet.add Snippet from Selection…
ident.sendmsg Send Message As…
dlg.import.headings Subfolders from Headings:
link.snippet Snippet from Link… Paste a PEM-encoded certificate and/or private key, or drop a .crt/.key file on the window. 在此貼上一個PEM格式的憑證及/或私鑰,
或拖拽一個 .crt 或 .key 檔案到此視窗。
import.userdata.snippets Snippets:
heading.lookup.snippets SNIPPETS
heading.upload.edit Edit with Titan
heading.upload.misfin Send Misfin Message
heading.upload.misfin.noident No Misfin Identities
dlg.upload.misfin.noident You must first import a Misfin certificate to send messages.
heading.misfin.ok Message Sent Sending Myself a Copy
misfin.verify Verifying Recipient
misfin.success You message was sent successfully.
misfin.redirect The recipient requests sending the message to a different address.
misfin.failure An error occurred while sending the message.
misfin.needcert You must identify yourself by providing a Misfin certificate.