Context English Chinese (Traditional) State
error.temporary Temporary Failure 暫時性錯誤
error.temporary.msg The request has failed, but may succeed if you try again in the future. 請求失敗,但未來重試時可能會成功。
error.unavail Server Unavailable 伺服器不可用
error.unavail.msg The server is unavailable due to overload or maintenance. Check back later. 伺服器因超負荷或維護而不可用。請稍後再試。
error.cgi CGI Error CGI 錯誤
error.cgi.msg Failure during dynamic content generation on the server. This may be due to malfunctioning serverside software. 伺服器生成動態內容時出錯。也許是伺服器端軟體出現異常。
error.proxy Proxy Error 代理錯誤
error.proxy.msg A proxy request failed because the server was unable to successfully complete a transaction with the remote host. Perhaps there are difficulties with network connectivity. 因伺服器與遠端主機通訊未能成功完成,代理請求失敗。也許網路連線有一些問題。
error.slowdown Slow Down 慢一點
error.slowdown.msg The server is rate limiting requests. Please wait… 伺服器限制了請求速率。請等待…
error.permanent Permanent Failure 永久性錯誤
error.permanent.msg Your request has failed and will fail in the future as well if repeated. 您的請求失敗。即使您繼續重複請求亦不會改變結果。
error.notfound Not Found 未找到
error.notfound.msg The requested resource could not be found at this time. 所請求的資源目前無法找到。
error.gone Gone 已移除
error.gone.msg The requested resource is no longer available. 所請求的資源已經不再可用。
error.proxyrefusal Proxy Request Refused 代理請求被拒絕
error.proxyrefusal.msg The request was for a resource at a domain not served by the server and the server does not accept proxy requests. 請求的資源不在該伺服器服務的域名上,且該伺服器不接受代理請求。
error.badrequest Bad Request 無效請求
error.badrequest.msg The server did not understand your request. 伺服器無法理解您的請求。