Context English Chinese (Traditional) State User data archives contain exported browsing history, identities, bookmarks, text snippets, site-specific settings, and fingerprints of trusted server certificates. They can be stored as backups and used for transferring data between devices. 使用者資料包含匯出的瀏覽記錄、身份、書籤、對特定站臺的設定以及受信任的伺服器憑證指紋。可以另存備份,也可以在裝置間移轉資料。
menu.export Export 匯出使用者資料
menu.import Import… 匯入使用者資料…
menu.view.split Split View 分欄…
ident.fingerprint Copy SHA-256 Fingerprint 拷貝指紋
dlg.cert.fingerprint Fingerprints 拷貝指紋
dlg.input.prompt Enter input for %s: 請為 %s 輸入: Paste a PEM-encoded certificate and/or private key, or drop a .crt/.key file on the window. 在此貼上一個PEM格式的憑證及/或私鑰,
或拖拽一個 .crt 或 .key 檔案到此視窗。 Credentials 授權 Default Identity 預設
upload.file.drophere enter file path or drag-and-drop a file on the window (拖動一個檔案到本視窗)
dlg.upload.text Enter text to upload 上載純文本
dlg.upload.file No file selected 上載一個檔案
dlg.upload.pickfile Select File… 選取檔案 Force ASCII character set: 簡單字元: Jump to Top 回到頂部
keys.bottom Jump to Bottom 前往底部
error.badstatus.msg The server responded with a status code that is not in the Gemini protocol specification. Maybe the server is malfunctioning. 伺服器返回了一個在 Gemini 協議標準中沒有定義的狀態碼。也許這是來自未來的伺服器,或者只是它工作不正常。