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num.fonts %u font
page.timestamp Received at %I:%M %p
on %b %d, %Y %b. %d %b. %d, %Y
feeds.entry.markread Mark as Read
dlg.confirm.bookmarks.delete Do you really want to delete the bookmark inside this folder?
dlg.bookmarks.delete Delete Bookmark
bookmark.tag.linksplit Links open to the side
ident.usedonurls Used on %u URL
ident.expiry Expires %b %d, %Y
ident.sendmsg Send Message As…
ident.unset Unpin
ident.switch Use %s
dlg.ident.notes Notes about %s:
ident.fingerprint Copy SHA-256 Fingerprint نسخ البصمة
dlg.confirm.ident.delete Do you really want to delete the identity %s"%s"%s including its certificate and private key files?
ident.gotohelp See %sHelp%s for more information about TLS client certificates.
dlg.confirm.unsub Really unsubscribe from feed "%s"?
error.unsupported.suggestsave You can save it as a file to your Downloads folder: press %s or select "%s" from the menu. Trust