Context English Galician State
fontpack.meta.notinstalled Not installed Non instalado
fontpack.meta.disabled , disabled , desactivado
fontpack.enable Enable "%s" Activar "%s"
fontpack.disable Disable "%s" Desactivar "%s"
fontpack.export View fontpack.ini template Ver modelo fontpack.ini
fontpack.install Install "%s" Instalar "%s"
fontpack.upgrade Upgrade "%s" to version %d Actualizar "%s" á versión %d
fontpack.delete Permanently delete "%s" Eliminar permanentemente "%s"
heading.fontpack.delete Delete Fontpack Eliminar tipografía
dlg.fontpack.delete.confirm Do you really want to permanently delete the fontpack "%s"? Queres eliminar de xeito permanente o paquete de tipografía "%s"?
dlg.fontpack.delete Delete Fontpack Eliminar tipografía Lagrange fontpacks are ZIP archives that contain a set of font files and associated configuration parameters. Once installed, the fonts can be used for document content and the UI. The active fonts are selected in Preferences > Fonts. Os paquetes de tipografías Lagrange son ficheiros ZIP que conteñen un conxunto de ficheiros de tipografías e parámetros de configuración asociados. Unha vez instalados, as tipografías podense utilizar para contido dos documentos e IU. As tipografías activas elixense en Preferencias > Letra.
fontpack.install.ttf Install TrueType Font Instalar tipografía TrueType Open User Fonts Directory Abrir directorio de tipografías da usuaria Show Installed Fonts Mostrar tipografías instaladas Lagrange attempts to load all individual TrueType files that are copied to the user fonts directory. Lagrange intenta cargar tódolos ficheiros individuais TrueType que están copiados no directorio de tipografías da usuaria. This font is installed in the user fonts directory. Esta tipografía está instalada no directorio da usuaria.
heading.dismiss.warning Dismiss Warning? Desbotar aviso?
dlg.dismiss.ansi Permanently dismiss warning about terminal emulation on %s? Desbotar permanentemente o aviso acerca da emulación nun terminal para %s?
dlg.dismiss.warning Dismiss Warning Desbotar aviso